Christian has been interviewed on TV and Radio around the world

Let me take you along an adventure in the world of visual and audio media broadcasting. I have contributed to a variety of interesting TV science programs in the past. On several occasions informative interviews were broadcasted on radio.

TV Shows and Interviews

Galileo - Pro7 in 2012

The Galileo Science Program (broadcasted on Pro7) filmed a full day with Christian on topics around data security and data recovery. He explained how data storage gets damaged and what one can do to recover one’s much loved data.
He also gave advice on how to be better prepared for the eventuallity of networks and devices failing. Thereby viwewers had a better clue how to avoid loosing their files.

Galileo - Pro7 in 2013

One year later the TV station Pro7 sent gain another camera team together with the popular German presenter and actor Felix von Sassen.

Felix put a variety of usb pen drives under the most awkward pressure. Then he and Christian looked at what devices survived the best. Some surprising outcomes showed that product price is not always a omen for a product’s endurance.That is how Christian became part of a 2nd Galileo Episode.

Click here to view the episode

n-tv Ratgeber - 2015

The German news channel also sent a TV crew to record a special episode of their popular advisory business series. The interview with Christian was based on the popular belief that simply reseting a smartphone would wipe all personal data.

In the show, Christian extracted all the wiped data from the iPhone and traced the activity profile of the phone’s user. Thereby viewers could get an insight into the capabilies of digital forensic labs.

Click here to see the episode online

GauTV (South Africa) in 2019

During a trip to Johannesburg, Christian was interviewed by one of the popular TV Channels on entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer between both continents (Europe/Africa).

This Interview was broadcasted in July 2019 on South African television.


Ratgeber - BR2 in 2011

His first radio interview was with the bavarian local radio station BR2 where he gave advice on how to avoid losing data and why hard drives like to fail in the wrong moment.

Ratgeber - BR in 2016

As part of a new series, Christian was interviewed by a radio journalist from the bavarian national radio for their different digital broadcast episodes.

Deutsche Welle - 2017

The German global news channel “Deutsche Welle” id an interview with Christian on the influence of politics on the work of digitial forensic laboratories in the context of activists and business people in a volatile world.